Saturday, November 17, 2012

Progress 2012 Christmas Card Design

So the guord houses are on hold until I get this finished. I'm shooting to be finish by the 21st so that I can take advantage of a coupon at moo and have some Christmas cards printed. At this stage I am about 16 hours in. I know. But I've been lax in my practices for too long. And this vacation is about 3 days longer than I really needed and I needed to really stretch. So... here we are stretching.

watercolor on bristol paper
I've let my facebook friends know that I am taking orders. The deadline is the 21 November. That is when the coupon expires. 3.00 each or a dozen for 20.00 You can find me on facebook and leave me a messege with the pertinent information. Pay Pal will be quickest.

The final painting I hope will be done tomorrow. And another picture will be up either tomorrow or Monday showing the final product.

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